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Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award

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- The website is engaged in a continuous process of data protection for its users, in accordance with the Data Protection French Law of January, 6 1978 ("LIL") and the General Regulation (EU) data protection of April , 27 2016 ("GDPR").

- Each user of the website and Participant of the photo contest - Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award - freely agrees to transmit his/her personal data (surname, first name, date of birth, postal address, email address and telephone number) to ELCO (The Estée Lauder Companies France). They are treated transparently, confidentially and securely. The user of the site and the Participant in the photo contest Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award remains the master of its data and can ask at any time to rectify these data.

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