The Jury
Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award 2014

Each year, 40 photographer finalists are selected by a Jury composed of personalities united by the passion for photography and their commitment to the fight against breast cancer. The Jury also select the Grand Jury Prize and two Accessit Prizes.


2014 Jury's Members


Henk van der Mark

Président of The Estée Lauder Companies France
Président of Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Association

Jane Evelyn Atwood

Jane Evelyn Atwood was born in New York and has been living in France since 1971.
She is one of the most prominent photojournalists.
In 2011, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, France,
produced Atwood’s first retrospective (Jane Evelyn Atwood, Photographies, 1976–2010).

© Jane E. Atwood / Autoportrait

Fred Goudon


Fred Goudon started shooting when his father gave him a camera as a gift on his 16th birthday. His work includes shooting of the 2006 issue of Dieux du Stade, (English: Gods of the Stadium) calendar and DVD, featuring nude and semi-nude photographs of members of Stade Français, a Paris-based domestic French rugby team as well as at times players from other rugby union clubs and athletes from other sports. He was invited again to shoot both the 2014 calendar issue and the 2015 issue of the series. He published some of his work in books through Bruno Gmunder publishers.

Cyril Drouhet


Photo Editor at the Figaro Magazine,
Cyril Drouhet is also the curator of the 'Peuple and Nature Photo Festival' at La Gacilly, the largest outdoor photography festival in France
Cyril Drouhet

Ariane Goldet

Chief Editor Beauty - Fitness - Health
at Marie Claire Magazine

Trained as psychiatrist and physiotherapist, Ariane Goldet is involved
in Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Asssociation for more than 10 years.

Marielle Fournier

First journalist at Europe 1 where she will remain 13 years, Marielle Fournier has joined the TV world to present various programs, mainly on TF1 and M6. She is now one of the flagship presenters of the Téva channel (M6 Group), with the weekly program that she hosts for several years "Les Dossiers de Téva". Since 2012, Marielle Fournier is "heart-patron" of Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Association.


Pauline Delpech

Writer, actress and politician, Pauline Delpech is a woman of conviction, whose commitments concern the respect for the environment but also major human causes, such as the fight against breast cancer. Thus, she posed for several years for the poster of Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Association campaign.
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