Téva Audience Award 2019
Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award
En 2016, téva, the first women's channel, celebrated its 20th birthday and became the first year partner of the Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award, by organizing the Téva Audience Award on its website.
For téva, who defines itself as a "benevolent and inspiring accomplice" for her female audience, this partnership seemed all the more natural as the channel and its animators are among the most active supporters of Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Association.
The votes for the Téva Audience Award took place from 1 October to 15 October 2019, on a dedicated website set up by the TV channel.

More than 11 million people watch téva every month, which makes téva the 1st female audiences channel among subscriving channels.