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The Awards Ceremony
PARIS PHOTO - 9 November 2017

In 2017 and for the firsttime, an exceptional Awards Ceremony was osted by Paris Photo, first international fair dedicated to the photographic medium.

Paris Photo generously offered a booth to the Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award.
The 40 finalist photographs of the 2017 competition were presented on a large screen, while the winning photographs benefited from a large print on © Dibond, produced by PIcto and set up on the central panel of the booth.

On November 9, 2017, at the Grand Palais, the names of the winners of the Jury Prize and the Téva Audience Award were unveiled during a very moving evening, with the presence of the photographers, models, jury members and partners.

Grand Jury Prize: Victor Podgorski
Accessit Prize: Haud Plaquette-Méline
Accessit Prize: David Baronio
Téva Audience Award: Guillaume Phan

During this event and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Pink Ribbon, a book bringing together the winning and finalist photographs from 2012 to 2017, has been launched.
Publishedby the Editions Xavier Barral - a famous French publishing company, specialized in photography, art and architecture - the book available in French or in English.
Profits from the book sales are donated to the association Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en !.

Discover Paris Photo Winners & Finalists 2017  The Book

Remise 01

Remise 01

Remise 02

Remise 02

Remise 04

Remise 04

Remise 05

Remise 05

Remise 8

Remise 8

Remise 11

Remise 11

Remise 15

Remise 15

Grand Palais 1

Grand Palais 1

Grand Palais 2

Grand Palais 2

Grand Palais 3

Grand Palais 3

Grand Palais 4

Grand Palais 4

Grand Palais 5

Grand Palais 5

Grand Palais 6

Grand Palais 6

Grand Palais 7

Grand Palais 7

Grand Palais 8

Grand Palais 8

JCJ FlorenceB

JCJ FlorenceB

Jane Sandra JCJ

Jane Sandra JCJ

Remise Baronio

Remise Baronio

Remise Baronio 2

Remise Baronio 2

Remise Baronio 3

Remise Baronio 3

Remise Baronio 4

Remise Baronio 4

Remise Phan 4

Remise Phan 4

Remise Phan 5

Remise Phan 5

Remise Groupe 1

Remise Groupe 1

Remise Groupe 2

Remise Groupe 2

Remise Public

Remise Public

Remise Plaquette 1

Remise Plaquette 1

Remise Plaquette 2

Remise Plaquette 2

Remise Plaquette 3

Remise Plaquette 3

Remise Plaquette 4

Remise Plaquette 4

Remise Plaquette 12

Remise Plaquette 12

Remise Plaquette Phan 1

Remise Plaquette Phan 1

Remise Plaquette Phan 2

Remise Plaquette Phan 2

Remise Plaquette Phan 3

Remise Plaquette Phan 3

Remise Podgorski 1

Remise Podgorski 1

Remise Podgorski 2

Remise Podgorski 2

Remise Podgorski 3

Remise Podgorski 3

Remise Podgorski 4

Remise Podgorski 4

Remise Gassmann

Remise Gassmann

Vue Paris Photo 2017

Vue Paris Photo 2017

Equipe Olympus

Equipe Olympus

Remise Marielle Jcj

Remise Marielle Jcj

Remise Teva Foule

Remise Teva Foule

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