Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award 2023

Each year, 40 photographer finalists are selected by a Jury composed of personalities united by the passion for photography and their commitment to the fight against breast cancer. The Jury select also the Grand Jury Prize and two Accessit Prizes.

2023 Jury's Members

Franck Besnard
Franck Besnard

President of The Estée Lauder Companies France
President of the Ruban Rose Association
Jane Evelyn Atwood

Jane Evelyn Atwood was born in New York and has been living in France since 1971.
She is one of the most prominent photojournalists.
In 2011, the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris, France, produced Atwood’s first retrospective (Jane Evelyn Atwood, Photographies, 1976–2010).
© Jane E. Atwood / Autoportrait
Florence Bourgeois
Florence Bourgeois

Director of Paris Photo

Art historian, Florence Bourgeois was appointed Director pf Paris Photo in 2015. Previously Managing Director of PAD (Pavilion of Art and Design) Paris and London, Florence Bourgeois has also held various financial and marketing positions within the LVMH group.
Catherine Schöfer

Director-General of Téva and Paris Première (M6 TV GROUP)
(photo © Sophie Lancrenon)
Alain Genestar

Alain Genestar was Editor in Chief of the Journal du Dimanche and Paris Match.
Since 2008, he is the Founder-Director of Polka Magazine, and founder of the Polka Gallery, dedicated to photojournalism.
Every week, on RFI, he analyzes political news in France and around the world.
© Philippe Guionie
Philippe Gassmann
Philippe Gassmann

CEO of Picto Group and Chairman of Picto Foundation
Philippe Gassmann is the grandson of Pierre Gassmann, a true pioneer of photography, who created Picto in 1950. Since 2016, the last initiative of a company committed to the image, Picto Foundation supports photographers through different Awards or festivals, and, accordingly, is the partner of the Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photo Award.
Gwenaelle Thebault
Gwenaëlle Thebault

Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Marie Claire Group.
Marie Claire Magazine is the co-founder of Ruban Rose Association with The Estée Lauder Companies France.
Christophe Eisenhuth
Christophe Eisenhuth

Marketing and Communication Manager at Fujifilm France Imaging.
Fujifilm, a historical leading company in the image industry, s also committed to women's health through its medical activities.
Laetitia Mendes
Laëtitia Mendes

Head of Image & Communication, NAF NAF Paris
With 20 years of experience in communication for many institutions and major groups, Laëtitia Mendes has chosen to put her expertise at the service of NAF NAF Paris since July 2021.
Laëtitia Mendes is also the founder and President of the 1st French association dedicated to fight genetic and/or hereditary cancers — GenetiCancer.
Marielle Fournier

First journalist at Europe 1 where she will remain 13 years, Marielle Fournier has joined the TV world to present various programs, mainly on TF1 and M6. She was one of the flagship presenters of the Téva channel (M6 Group). Since 2012, Marielle Fournier is "heart-patron" of theRuban Rose Association.

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