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Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award 2024


Paris Photo is the largest international art fair dedicated to the photographic medium and is held each November at the historic Grand Palais and Grand Palais Éphémère in Paris. Since 1997, the Fair’s mission is to promote and nurture photographic creation and the galleries, publishers and artists at its source.
Paris Photo is partner of the Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award since 2017, hosting the Awards Ceremony and offering a prestigious booth in the heart of the fair to the photo contest.

Created in 2007 by Alain Genestar, Polka is the magazine of all photographs: the photograph that testifies, the one that explains and decrypts. The photo, object of art and culture. The new connected photography...
Seasonal, Polka is part of this new generation of media that takes the time of analysis. Every three months, the word is thus given to photographers in more than 200 pages devoted to photography.
Polka is also a 300 square meters' gallery located in the Marais, in Paris. It represents 24 photographs and is associated to more than 50 to present ten exhibitions every year.

Picto Foundation, the endowment fund for Picto Laboratories, was founded in 2016 as an initiative of Philippe Gassmann, Director-General of the Group Picto.
Picto Foundation’s mission is to support in a sustainable manner, figures in photography according to three objectives: promotion, exposure, and preservation of photography.

Fujifilm, a historical leading company in the image industry known for the quality and performance of its digital cameras, has reoriented its activities in the field of healthcare over the last twenty years, by offering diagnostic imaging equipment dedicated to prevention and treatment, with applications in breast cancer screening.
In this way, in 2021, Fujifilm has become a partner of the Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award and will be providing the Grand Jury Prize, the Accessit Prizes and the Téva Public Prize with X-Series digital and Instax instant cameras.

For more than 20 years, Téva has been talking to women about the topics that really affect them, from the lightest to the most serious.
With programs that look like them - documentaries, series, tv shows - Téva has been number one with women for 8 years and in the top 3 of the most watched pay channels. In its own way, its goes with the emergence of women’s voices by taking an interest in inspiring faces. Alive, vibrant, conquering: Téva is the ally of all women!
Téva has been a partner of the Estée Lauder Companies Pink Ribbon Photo Award since 2016.

Marie Claire, the n°1 high end women's monthly magazine, reaches near 5 millions of women in France, and more than 80 millions in the world
Marie Claire, founding member of the association Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en !, supports and works for the breast cancer prevention all year long and particularly in October. Marie Claire has always been committed to women.
Access to education, wage equality, sexual and domestic violence, breast cancer prevention…Marie Claire supports them, whether it is in their fights as in their life. Every month in the print edition, and everyday online, Marie Claire informs, denounces and raises the freedom of speech. In the field too, Marie Claire is involved and makes things happen.
  • Paris Photo
  • Polka
  • Picto
  • Marieclaire
  • Teva
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